Griha Shiksha Kendra

(Research, Demonstration and Training Centre for aligning education with Sustainability)

Dear Parents,
Your Child Needs "Shiksha Fifty-Fifty" and
Griha Shiksha Kendra can help you!


Age 3-5/Kindergartener

This is the age group when children speak in their mother tongues fluently and can express themselves well. They takes great interest in doodling / colouring / painting on every surface / and in developing his writing skills which is a key the fine motor skill to be acquired at his age. Children of this age group needs engagement sessions and some explanations from their adult mentors. The explanations they receive from parents stimulate their logical thinking and harness their emotional outbursts. Because they are developing fine motor skills , these age group kids must start working in household chores , helping in activities like setting up the dinner table , laying the bed spread , arranging stuff in order , taking dance lessons , building lego blocks , stringing beads and involve in anything that triggers the muscular strength of the hands.

People :
Children of this age group take instructions from adults well and they love adult company to share about their daily stories or imagination or anything they learn new.
This is also called the "magic years" -- partly because it seems like magic that your child is finally listening to you more and partly because for your child, it is a time for his or her imagination to run wild. Help your child express feelings by expressing your feelings to them when they do something to displease you.
This is the time children pick more vocabulary and dialects from every person they interact and also able to narrate about them accurately. They understand complex relationship with friends and express their love for adults and mentors who give them delightful company. Children of this age group become open minded enough to make friends and playmates. This is also the age the children should be told about personal body safety, bad touch and good touch as they interact with more number of adults throughout their daily interactions.
Prosperity :
How does a child become prosperous? A child of this age group start asking lots of questions. "Why is the sky blue? Why do birds have feathers?" Questions, questions, and more questions! While it may be annoying at times, asking questions is a normal developmental milestone.
Your curious and inquisitive child is better able to carry on a conversation. In addition, your child's vocabulary is growing -- as is his or her thought process. Not only is your child able to answer simple questions easily and logically, but he or she should be able to express feelings better. Most children at this age enjoy singing, rhyming, and making up words. They are energetic, silly, and, at times, rowdy and obnoxious.
Children learn through active play, and that is what they should be doing. At this age, your child should be running, hopping, throwing and kicking balls, climbing, swinging and pedalling a bicycle trying to balance with ease. Through these activities and fine motor skills, they can learn a lot of new concepts which will help them learn to start writing, and manipulating things with their two hands. Some kinesthetic learners of this age group try out various physical stunts on slides , skateboards , bars , bikes at this age a learn about advanced body balance and flexibilities.
Counting and numeracy also develops strongly during this time with basic ideas of addition, subtraction , simple geometry. The numeracy is more effective with practical example of counting of musical beats while stepping, skipping, measuring footsteps , counting stars for kindergarteners.
The outdoor and indoor activities can involve a lot of learning of various topics of the wonderful things they see around , involving spotting plants , animals , leaves , flowers , fruits , insects.The nature of this age group is curiosity about everything they see and parents have the responsibility to answer their questions and appreciate their enquiries . Unless addressed their questioning mind will be silenced with lack of answers or self-made notions and false beliefs.
Peace :
Your child is not only becoming more independent physically, but also emotionally. You may start to notice fewer tantrums when you leave your child with a sitter or at preschool. In addition, your child is becoming more social. Your child may now be able to cooperate with his or her friends, take turns, and may begin to show some problem-solving skills. In addition, you may notice your child's imagination is in overdrive. This can be good and bad. Fantasy and pretend play become more interesting and involved, but your child may also start developing unrealistic fears, such as believing a monster is lurking in the closet. Adult interventions is often necessary to settle disputes between playmates as the logic system of these kids are not fully opened to accept all kinds of behaviors.
In addition, they are becoming more social. Your child may now be able to cooperate with his or her friends, take turns, and may begin to show some problem-solving skills. This is also the right age to introduce them as helping aids at home to help mothers in household chores, to help grandparents in nimble errands. At this age, children are starting to understand about other people's feelings and they learn to take responsibility , show respect , kindness, and learn to protect and give care to the required people . Your 3- to 5-year-old should be better able to work through conflicts and control his or her emotions. To help your child learn to work with strong feelings and impulses, you can give your child clear, reasonable rules -- focus on praising the behaviors you want to see and learn to be stern without saying a unexplained ‘No’ but with transparent explanation of your behavior. In a community environment they happen to abide discipline once they are given their due attention and respect.
Planet :
Children are born curious. Using their natural curiosity and love of animals is a great way to teach kids about conservation. When it comes to environmental conservation, teaching children to have respect for nature and make sustainable, environmentally friendly decisions. Education in the environment gives reality, relevance and practical experience to learning while developing aesthetic appreciation as well.
1. Assessments :
The children of this age group learn to be good enquirers ,open minded thinkers and communicators.
2. Learning Periphery :
With in 10x10X10 meters of the home.
3. Best Learning Activities :
Physical Free Play , Music , Doodling and colouring , writing on slate nature walks , story telling , picture book reading , eating by themselves , helping mom at home, some organised sports, open-ended discussions