Griha Shiksha Kendra (GSK) is a replicable and unique model of Research, Development and Demonstration Centre on Education combining formal, non-formal and informal systems with curriculum framework focused on Sustainability and Pedagogy based on “Whole Universe is our Class Room”. Being a model of ‘Sustainable Education’, it relies mostly on existing un-utilised resources and expertise while putting the children on self-learning path. The Model also envisages active involvement of senior / retired citizens ensuring the inter-generational and cultural learning.
The planning of the centre was done in Bengaluru during 2018-19 and the demonstration centre was set up at Bhopal and inaugurated on 14th November, 2019. This centre also functions as a model activities and facilitation centre to provide an opportunity to self-learners to address several issues faced by them such as lack of socializing and guidance, outdoor activities, books, mentors etc. and to facilitate creation of communities and their replication.
The centre also fulfils the need for Non-formal education of children who are already undergoing the formal education through schools.
The centre has additional objective of providing practical training on the concepts of sustainability and sustainable living. We are indirectly working for meeting the Goal-4 of UN Sustainable Development Goals-2030
To get regular updates and to participate in the discussions please visit and like our Facebook public group and Facebook page We also have WhatsApp groups for kids and parents who are exploring self-learning / home-schooling.