Age 8-12 Tweens/Preteens
This age group is a good example of the old saying “still waters run deep”. There’s more going on inside the kid’s head than you might realize. Many parents can’t help but wonder if their children are growing and developing at the right pace. Sometimes common milestones can be a helpful tool. But remember that all children are different and special. Milestones are meant to be guidelines, not strict rules.
Every year will be interesting as girls grows, and age 10 is no exception. It’s a year when they undergo big changes in all areas of life. Boys grow steadily starting to solve problems logically and are likely to be more independent.
At age 11, girls may already be going through a growth spurt and starting puberty. If not, you probably don’t have long to wait. Hang on -- things are changing rapidly. Boys could be rolling their eyes at you and telling you to stop embarrassing him for one second and the next, they may be wanting complete attention. They also begin a major physical and emotional growth spurt. You can help him stay on track.
At 12 years you know what’s coming: the teen years, and all the ups and downs they’re famous for. If you feel relieved that they aren’t 13 yet -- one more year to go -- you might want to think again. Some of those changes may already be happening.
Thanks to hormones, things are beginning to change. Lots of emotional changes going on. Be positive and supportive. Boys won’t technically be a teenager for another year, but 12 is when the big transitions begin. That's why kids this age are called preteens or tweens. The world is getting bigger on every level: physical, mental, emotional and social. Buckle up, things may get bumpy.
This is also the most appropriate time the kids learn morality with rationality , ethics , civics , compassion , versatality / fundamentalism. The child should get exposed to different ways of thinking , acquire reading comprehension , information search and analytical skills and how to believe against any given doctrine.
People :
Hanging out with friends may begin to be a big deal. They’ve also mastered different styles of language, lot of slang and inside jokes with friends, but more formal speech around his teacher. Increased social activity also means heavy-duty exposure to peer pressure. This is also the time that kids start to find their leadership skills and begin to understand the idea of giving back to the community. You should discuss the dangers involved in behaviours with kids this age. If you haven’t had “The Talk” about sex yet, maybe it’s time. Monitor online safety too. Proactively look for areas where your child may need some help sharpening their skills. Provide extra support by teaching, guiding, and practicing together and ways to differentiate what is ethical or not.
Prosperity :
At age 10, brain continues to develop, schoolwork may be uneven, interests may be changing rapidly, attention span is increasing, and judgement is improving. The child loves to learn different subjects and integrate them in purpose.
Skilled at reading, writing and speaking clearly. Can also follow detailed directions, make plans, and reason through problems. This includes independence in learning Language and Math. They may also start to show more proficiency in things like writing, designing, or performing arts. Time to develop abstract and critical-thinking skills.
Curiosity is likely to grow and loads of questions about the surrounding and the world begins. Develops hobbies or collects things. Ability to play team sports gets better. Boys would be able to use some tools as they have a lot of energy and should be getting at least an hour of physical activity a day. To fuel the growth spurt, diet should be high in fruit and vegetables and lower in fats, sugar, and salt.
The prefrontal cortex, which helps with impulse control and organizational skills (planning, reasoning, and problem-solving), still has years left before it’s fully developed. But she’s able to express her feelings and think in abstract terms now -- concepts like justice, equality, politics and civics. She’s better at problem-solving and logic as well. Though she’s thinking independently, she likes working on group projects
Make sure your child has the skills they're going to need to thrive during their teenage years. If they lack social or emotional skills, their struggles may become especially problematic when they enter high school.
Peace :
This is the age when children lose their own peace of mind by peer pressure and gains it back through little accomplishments and building of skills. The children are learning new abilities or degrees of freedom and hence also need to learn to be at peace with themselves. Sence of acheivement and ability to do things by themselves bring joy and determination to change the world for good arrives at this age.
Boys are starting to explore with independence. They are likely to have mixed feelings about growing up but eager and ready for more responsibility (that includes household chores). On the other hand, he may feel insecure and doubt what he can achieve. Self-esteem can drop in many boys this age. Emotions see-saw but give them a chance to succeed and boost their self-esteem. School work may get stressful and challenging
Always bailing him out will stunt his emotional growth. Give a chance to figure out some problems on his own. Support him to find ways to deal with stress by making sure he gets enough sleep and eats a healthy diet. Carve out time to be with him every day, even if he doesn’t feel like talking. If he does, talk through what’s making him upset and brainstorm ways to deal.
Girls may be sensitive and sulky, but that’s normal. If she’s lost interest in activities she normally enjoys, seems agitated or restless or neglects her appearance, depression may take the form of eating disorder or self-harm. Changes in brain chemistry can also trigger mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders. Parents and kids are confused, kids begin to act like adults but yet are like kids.
By this age, one should understand how behavior affects others, also recognize and consider other people’s opinions and views and have a sense of what’s right and wrong, fair or unfair. You may have spoken about relationships, but it’s time to circle back because they are seeing them through new eyes. Ask your kids what they feel about it. Role-play some situations where they might have to make a hard decision. Remind them where you stand with boundaries and consequences.They should understand how behavior affects others and have a sense of what’s right and wrong.
However, the emotional ups and downs disrupt this process from time to time. Set rules for how to treat adults and other children and compliment her when she behaves well. Spend some time online together. Focus on successes, and if you need to correct her in some way, do it one-on-one and not in front of her friends.
Planet :
What can children do for the planet? Being aware of how life on the planet works , the biogeochemical cycles and economic demands and supplies of goods , services and natural resources over time and space can keep their minds focussed.
For this to be achieved, we must first address the widespread misconception that young people shouldn't have a say when it comes to dealing with the world's problems. It pains to see how young people, particularly those living in poverty or disability are treated as recipients when, in fact, they often know best what is best for themselves.
"We need to ask ourselves: how can we empower youth to drive social progress in sustaining the world through new and innovative projects?"
Encourage this by letting them take part in decision-making processes in the home and supporting involvement in community or school activities. Kids this age should be exposed to sensible use of all Earth’s natural resources: water, soil, minerals, wildlife, and forests. People who care about conservation try to preserve natural resources so they will still be around in the future. They also try to keep the environment clean and healthy.
1. Assessments :
The children of this age group learn to be good makers , doers , logical thinkers yet aurgumentative, countering adult logic , develop skills fast, grow proficiency in multiple language and identify their own passion areas.
2. Learning Periphery :
With in 10x10X10X10 meters of the home , ie their city / town.
3. Best Learning Activities :
Model making , active games / music , planning and designing projects and teamworking to completion. They love to show and tell , present themselves with the knowledge gathered.